Mindset Bootcamp
The Greatest Variable For Your Business Success Is YOU!
That’s exactly what this Mindset Bootcamp is designed to impact. How you show up, your mindsets, and the energy you bring to your business daily.
A Powerful 8 Week Program That Includes:
Eight one to one mindset sessions with Todd Akes. An ICF accredited certified mindset coach. Todd has packed the most powerful strategies he’s found over 24 years as an entreprenuer, 14 years as a mentor/coach, and consulting the most successful people he knows to get you to the NEXT LEVEL in a short period of time!
The Energy Leadership Index Assessment – 2 Session Debrief
This proprietary mindset assessment is only available to ICF accredited iPEC coaches that are certified specifically for this assessment. It measures your unique blend of the 7 mindset levels which influence your performance and potential greatly. It paves the way to greater understanding of the thought patterns that create stress and block performance in you and others. You will benefit from fine tuning your strongest current mindsets and gain new understanding for the highest performing mindsets available to help you level up! Ultimately, you will gain new mindset knowledge and tools that you can apply right away!
Custom Mindset Session
1 to 1 Clients: We’ll work to get to the root of one of your major mindset blocks or limiting beliefs that you specify. Next, we’ll work to reframe that mindset block or limiting belief into a more productive mindset that aligns with you.
Group Clients: We’ll work on reframing a mindset situation together utilizing the 7 mindset levels as practice.
Growth Mindset Exercise
This proprietary exercise will help you move forward with a stronger growth mindset! Gain understanding in regards to what it really means to have a strong growth mindset and exactly how to apply it to your business and daily life.
The 4 Major Mindset Blocks
In this session, you will gain substantial new awareness around the 4 major Mindset Blocks that kill your potential and performance. Included in this session are proven ways to manage the most profound mindset block, the Gremlin! It’s that voice that tells you that you can’t or you just aren’t good enough!
The Core Influencers
The six Core Influencers impact your mindset, happinesss, and the way you feel greatly. In this session, you will gain deeper understanding of how the Core Influencers impact your business and life. We’ll work to discover if you are out of balance and the key activities that help you operate as close to your potential as possible!
Peak State Exercise
One of the fundamentals of high business performance is getting into a peak state daily. You will commit to new behaviors that will greatly impact the mindsets and energy you bring to your business consistently!
Additionally, we’ll work on aligning your business with who you are at the core and narrowing your focus. A powerful mindset book will be provided and you will be expected to finish it by the end of the bootcamp.
A New Set Of The Sail
Expect new awareness, new understanding, higher consciousness, new mindset tools, new focus, new discipline, and greater alignment! You will be operating far closer to your potential!
This boot camp is not meant to be easy! It was born to challenge your current mindsets to pave the way to exciting new growth and greater success!
This program is perfect if:
You feel STUCK and don’t know why
You desire to create a real BREAKTHROUGH
You want to get back to your BEST SELF
You want to ADAPT and OVERCOME
You simply want to ELEVATE!